Primary Addess

Primary address is your primary (fixed) pickup location of your store or place , you can add Minimum 1 or Maximum 10 primary location

Add Primary Address

add your primary location to create order or you can add multiple primary location for manage multiple pickup locations dynamically


apikey string *Required you can get your API_KEY from auth login api
contactname string *Required contact person name which is handel the pickup at your primary location
contactphone number *Required contact person number of contact person as above
address string *Required special characters or symbols are not allowed
latitude float *Required You can select from google map Example : 22.714564
longitude float *Required You can select from google map Example : 70.714564
city string Optional
pincode number Optional
houseaddress string Optional
landmark string Optional

Get Address

You can get your primary location for get primary address_id to create order


apikey string *Required you can get your API_KEY from auth login api

Update Address

You can update your primary loication details from here , for update primary location all key and value is required which is return from GET Address api response


apikey string *Required you can get your API_KEY from auth login api
address_id Integer *Required You can add get address_id from get address api
contactname string *Required contact person name which is handel the pickup at your primary location
contactphone number *Required contact person number of contact person as above
address string *Required special characters or symbols are not allowed
latitude float *Required You can select from google map Example : 22.714564
longitude float *Required You can select from google map Example : 70.714564
city string *Required if you don't ADD Leave as BLANK or NULL
pincode number *Required if you don't ADD Leave as BLANK or NULL
houseaddress string *Required if you don't ADD Leave as BLANK or NULL
landmark string *Required if you don't ADD Leave as BLANK or NULL